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GTA 5 Command Lines – List of All Custom Commands

Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.
Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance. Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.
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Discover how to boost your GTA V FPS with our comprehensive guide by downloading the best GTA 5 command lines with easy installation steps to enhance gameplay, performance and to fix GTA V not opening errors.

If you’re a dedicated Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) player who wants to push your game to run smoother and at higher frame rates, utilising command lines can be a game-changer.

These command lines allow you to adjust various game settings that aren’t accessible through the in-game menu. By tweaking these hidden parameters, you can optimise performance and achieve better FPS (frames per second).

Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.
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List of All GTA 5 Command lines

Command line parameters can be added to the commandline.txt file located in the root of the game’s installation folder. If the file doesn’t exist, create one by right-clicking in the directory, selecting New, and choosing Text Document. Rename it to commandline.txt.

For Steam users, launch options can be set by right-clicking on the game in your library, selecting Properties, and inputting commands under Launch Options.

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Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.
Image by Grand Games4u

Command Line Parameters Table

-verifyCheck game installation for problems and repair any issues (Disc and non-Steam digital versions only).
-safemodeStart with minimum settings without saving them.
-ignoreprofileIgnore the current profile settings.
-useMinimumSettingsReset settings to the minimum.
-UseAutoSettingsUse automatically generated settings.
-DX10Force DirectX 10.0 feature set.
-DX10_1Force DirectX 10.1 feature set.
-DX11Force DirectX 11.0 feature set.
-noChunkedDownloadForces patches to download in one go instead of in chunks.
GTA 5 Command Line Parameters TableTroubleshooting

Note: Disc and non-Steam digital versions only.

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Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.
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-benchmarkStarts the benchmark test from the command line.
-benchmarkFrameTimesOutputs individual frame times from the benchmark.
-benchmarkIterations <value>Specifies the number of iterations for the benchmark.
-benchmarkPass <value>Specifies which benchmark scene test to run.
-benchmarknoaudioDisables audio processing for benchmark purposes.
GTA 5 Benchmarking

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Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.
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Game Preferences

-StraightIntoFreemodeAutomatically launches the game in multiplayer freemode.
-scofflineonlyLaunches the game in offline mode.
-cityDensity <value>Controls city density (0.0-1.0).
GTA 5 Game Preferences

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Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.
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-uilanguage <language>Sets the game language (e.g., “american”, “french”, “german”).
-keyboardLocal <region>Sets the keyboard layout for a specified region.
GTA 5 Localization

Note: Supported values are “american” (for American English),”french”, “german”, “italian”, “spanish”, “portuguese”, “polish”, “russian”, “korean”, “chinese”, “chinesesimp”, “japanese”, “mexican” (for Mexican Spanish)

  • -keyboardLocal
    • Sets the keyboard layout to the specified region.

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Note: For a list of keyboard layouts by region, please see this article:

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Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.
Image by GTA BOOM

Window Preferences

-windowedForces the game to run in windowed mode.
-fullscreenForces the game to run in fullscreen mode.
-borderlessSets the main window to borderless mode.
-width <value>Sets the width of the game window (default: 640).
-height <value>Sets the height of the game window (default: 480).
GTA 5 Window Preferences

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Technical Performance

-anisotropicQualityLevel <0-16>Sets the anisotropic filtering quality.
-disableHyperthreadingDisables the use of hyperthreaded cores for task creation.
-fogVolumesEnables/disables volumetric lighting effects in foggy weather (0-1).
-fxaa <0-1>Sets FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing) quality.
-frameLimit <value>Limits the number of vertical synchronizations (0-1).
-grassQuality <0-5>Sets the grass quality level.
-HDStreamingInFlightEnables HD streaming during flight.
-lodScale <0.0-1.0>Sets the LOD (Level of Detail) distance scaling.
-shadowSoftness <0-3>Selects shadow softness level.
-particleQuality <0-2>Sets the particle quality level.
-particleShadows <0-1>Enables/disables particle shadows.
-pedLodBias <0.0-1.0>Sets LOD distance bias for pedestrians.
-postFX <0-3>Sets the post-processing effects quality.
-reflectionBlur <0-1>Enables/disables reflection map blur.
-reflectionQuality <0-3>Sets reflection quality.
-SSAO <0-2>Sets SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) quality.
-shaderQuality <0-2>Sets the shader quality level.
-shadowLongShadows <0-1>Enables/disables long shadow rendering during dawn/dusk.
-shadowQuality <1-3>Sets shadow quality level.
-tessellation <0-3>Enables/disables tessellation.
-textureQuality <0-2>Sets texture quality level.
-txaa <0-1>Enables/disables NVIDIA TXAA.
-vehicleLodBias <0.0-1.0>Sets LOD distance bias for vehicles.
-waterQuality <0-2>Sets water quality level.
GTA 5 Technical Performance

If above button is not working, use mirror download.

These command line parameters allow players to customise various aspects of GTA V’s gameplay, performance, and visuals to better fit their system preferences.

Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.

Why Use Command Lines for GTA 5?

GTA 5 is a graphics-intensive game that requires significant resources. While the in-game settings offer a range of options to tweak, command lines allow for deeper customisation, such as:

  • Adjusting memory allocation for smoother gameplay.
  • Forcing DirectX versions for better compatibility.
  • Enabling windowed or full-screen modes for stability.
  • Reducing various graphic settings beyond the standard limits.

These optimisations can help boost FPS, reduce stuttering, and create a more enjoyable gaming experience, especially for players with mid-tier or older PC setups.

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How to play GTA 5 on integrated CPU display? Run GTA V optimize custom settings for Grand Theft Auto V on Intel UHD/AMD Vega without dedicated GPU.

Installing Command Lines for GTA 5

Once you’ve downloaded the command line file from gtamodify.com, follow these simple steps to install and apply them to your game:

Step 1: Locate Your GTA 5 Installation Directory

  • Steam Users: Go to your Steam library, right-click on Grand Theft Auto V, and select Properties. Click on the Local Files tab and choose Browse.
  • Rockstar Launcher/Epic Games Users: Find the folder where GTA 5 is installed, typically located in C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V or C:\Program Files\Epic Games\GTAV.

Step 2: Create a Commandline.txt File

  1. Open the GTA 5 installation folder.
  2. Create a new text document by right-clicking, selecting New, and choosing Text Document.
  3. Rename this file to commandline.txt.

Step 3: Add Command Lines to the File

  1. Open the commandline.txt file using Notepad or any text editor.
  2. Copy the desired command lines from the downloaded list on gtamodify.com and paste them into the text file. Here are some commonly used commands for boosting FPS:
    • -noblur: Disables motion blur.
    • -DX11: Forces DirectX 11, which can improve stability.
    • -high: Runs the game with high CPU priority.
    • -frameLimit 60: Caps the FPS at 60 for smoother gameplay.
    • -noChunkedDownload: Helps with certain streaming issues.
  3. Save and close the file after pasting the commands.

Step 4: Launch the Game

  • Open GTA 5 as you normally would from your launcher (Steam, Epic Games, or Rockstar).
  • The game will read the commandline.txt file on startup and apply the specified settings.

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Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.

Recommended Command Lines for FPS Boost

While the full list available from gtamodify.com contains many useful commands, here are a few tailored for FPS boosts:

  • -ignoreDifferentVideoCard: Useful for laptops with multiple GPUs, ensuring the game uses the correct one.
  • -nomemrestrict and -norestrictions: Removes memory restrictions, but use with caution as it may lead to instability if your PC cannot handle the load.
  • -safemode: Forces the game to start with basic settings, which can be a good troubleshooting step if you experience crashes.

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Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.
Image by Vibri Gameplays

Tips for Optimising Your GTA 5 Performance

  1. Lower In-Game Graphics Settings: Reducing texture quality, shadow detail, and population density can make a significant difference.
  2. Update Your Drivers: Ensure your GPU drivers are up to date for optimal performance.
  3. Close Background Apps: Free up system resources by closing unnecessary applications before launching GTA 5.
  4. Overclock Your GPU: Advanced users can explore overclocking to gain additional performance, but do so with care to avoid hardware damage.

Using command lines in GTA 5 can unlock hidden potential in your PC, providing smoother gameplay and higher FPS.

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By downloading the comprehensive command line list from gtamodify.com and following our installation guide, you’ll be well on your way to optimising your gaming experience.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a command line in GTA 5, and how do I use it?

Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.

A command line in GTA 5 refers to a special set of instructions or parameters that can be added to a file called commandline.txt. This file is located in the root directory of the game. If the file doesn’t exist, you can create one by right-clicking in the game’s install folder, selecting New, then choosing Text Document, and renaming it to commandline.txt. You can then input various command line parameters to modify settings like graphics, performance, and game behaviour.

What are the main categories of command line parameters in GTA 5?

The command line parameters for GTA 5 are typically divided into several categories: Troubleshooting, Benchmarking, Game Preferences, Localization, Window Preferences, and Technical Performance. Each category has different commands that serve specific purposes. For example, in the Troubleshooting section, you can use commands like -verify to check the game installation for issues. In the Benchmarking section, the -benchmark command starts a performance test. Game Preferences let you set default game behaviours, such as automatically launching in offline mode with -scofflineonly. Localization lets you set the language and region-specific preferences. Window Preferences are used to control the game’s display mode, and Technical Performance allows you to adjust settings related to graphics and system performance.

Can I improve my GTA 5 performance using command line parameters?

Yes, you can improve GTA 5’s performance by tweaking various settings through command line parameters. For example, commands like -frameLimit limit the number of vertical synchronizations, which can help reduce lag in certain situations. Commands such as -anisotropicQualityLevel control texture filtering quality, and -fxaa adjusts anti-aliasing quality to provide smoother visuals without straining your hardware. Additionally, if you have a system that supports it, using commands like -DX11 or -DX10 can force the game to use a specific version of DirectX that might improve performance on certain systems. Reducing the quality of effects, such as shadows and reflections, using commands like -shadowQuality or -reflectionQuality, can also boost FPS on lower-end systems.

How do I benchmark GTA 5 using command line parameters?

GTA 5 provides a few command line parameters specifically designed for benchmarking. To start the benchmark, you can use the -benchmark command, which runs the built-in performance test. If you want to track detailed frame times, you can add -benchmarkFrameTimes to your command line. Additionally, you can control how many times the benchmark runs with -benchmarkIterations <value>, and specify particular test scenes using -benchmarkPass <value>. If you prefer not to have audio during the benchmark, you can use -benchmarknoaudio to disable audio processing, helping you focus purely on the graphical performance.

Can I customise the graphics settings using command lines in GTA 5?

Absolutely! The command line parameters in GTA 5 give you a lot of control over the game’s graphics settings. For example, the -textureQuality command allows you to set the texture quality (ranging from 0 to 2), which impacts how detailed the game’s environments and objects appear. Similarly, commands like -shadowQuality and -waterQuality let you adjust the quality of shadows and water in the game, which can affect both the visual appeal and performance. If you’re using an NVIDIA graphics card, you can enable TXAA (temporal anti-aliasing) with the -txaa parameter for smoother edges. You can also control how much detail the game loads at a distance with commands like -lodScale for Level of Detail scaling.

How can I change the language of GTA 5 using command line parameters?

Download GTA 5 command lines for Grand Theft Auto V to boost GTA V with all custom commands installation to increase gameplay fps performance.

To change the language of GTA 5, you can use the -uilanguage command. This allows you to set the language to a variety of options such as American English (american), French (french), German (german), Spanish (spanish), Italian (italian), and many others. The game supports multiple languages, so you can set it to whichever one is most comfortable for you. Additionally, if you need to adjust the keyboard layout to a specific region, you can use the -keyboardLocal command to match the layout to your preferred region.

How do window preferences affect gameplay, and what command line options are available?

Window preferences allow you to control how GTA 5 is displayed on your screen. You can force the game to run in windowed mode with the -windowed command or fullscreen mode with the -fullscreen command. If you prefer a more seamless experience with no window borders, you can use the -borderless command. You can also specify the size of the game window by setting custom dimensions with -width <value> and -height <value>. These commands give you the flexibility to set the game’s display according to your monitor’s capabilities or personal preference, which can also help with performance or comfort.

What technical performance commands can help with GTA 5’s system demands?

GTA 5 offers several technical performance commands to adjust the game’s demands on your system. For example, you can use -disableHyperthreading to prevent the game from using hyperthreaded cores as real CPU cores. To control the quality of various graphical elements, you can adjust commands like -grassQuality, -shadowSoftness, and -particleQuality. Reducing these settings can improve performance on lower-end systems. Commands like -fogVolumes and -tessellation can enable or disable specific effects that may otherwise take up too much system memory and processing power. For a more fluid experience, you can use -fxaa to reduce jagged edges while keeping performance steady.

How can I force GTA 5 to launch directly into Freemode or Offline Mode?

If you prefer to skip the main menu and jump straight into gameplay, you can use the -StraightIntoFreemode command. This command will force the game to start directly in multiplayer Freemode. If you want to play GTA 5 offline, you can use the -scofflineonly command to launch the game without connecting to the Rockstar servers. These commands can help streamline your experience and allow you to quickly dive into your preferred mode.

Are there any troubleshooting commands that can help resolve issues with GTA 5?

Yes, there are several troubleshooting commands that can help resolve installation or performance issues in GTA 5. For example, the -verify command checks the integrity of the game installation and repairs any detected problems. If you’re having trouble with settings, you can use -useMinimumSettings to reset all settings to their lowest values. The -safemode command launches the game with minimal settings and does not save them, which can be useful for troubleshooting specific issues without permanently changing your configurations. These commands are especially useful for resolving crashes, low performance, or other issues that may arise during gameplay.

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